I've had a busy last few weeks! Let's see, the last time I blogged, I left off with meeting Sean at the airport.
We spent Thursday and Friday nights in San Diego. Friday morning we ate at International House of Pancakes; I ordered the Eggs Benedict, Sean ordered Huevos Rancheros. (If memory serves...) On Saturday, we intended to drive from San Diego to San Jose. Before we left the motel we partook of the free continental breakfast, where I decided to give guava juice a try. I admit to being dubious about this guava juive business, but it was surprisingly good. It made me feel less guilty for eating a huge donut with sprinkles on it. (He had a croissant.)
That morning, we seemed to get an early enough start, but we kept pulling over. We investigated the (seemingly) brand new mall off of I-5 at Irvine. This gleaming outdoor mall also featured an assortment of fountains, which little kids were already splashing about in, even though it wasn't even noon. At my request, we checked out a pet shop where I saw the most adorable beagle and peek puppies. sigh!
As soon as we hit the city of Angels we hit some decidedly unangelic traffic. We crawled along in bumper to bumper traffic, slowly edging through the San Fernando Valley. When we saw the sign for the Grapevine, traffic teasingly sped up, only to disappoint us, once again, by slowing to an ant's pace. Sean, who was driving at this point, decided we should take this opportunity to exit and take 14, which goes through Palmdale and Lancaster. He had friends we wanted to introduce me to!
After enjoying some ice tea and cookies, we were on our way again. We refueled in Mojave and took 58 through Tehachapi, and eventually reconnected to I-5 again.
What could have been a long, grinding drive was nothing but fun. Sean and I were having a ball-- telling stories, making eachother laugh. We were basking in eachother's presence. I kept glancing down to look at my sparkling diamond engagement ring and smiling the biggest smile I've ever smiled in my entire life!
After one or two more sight-seeing detours, we finally rolled into San Jose. My dad finally met Sean and they really hit it off! There are so many great restaurants where we could have eaten, so much yummy food we could have filled our tummies with. So where did I take my fiance? Go on, ask!
I had to take him to Denny's! (shame!) It was the only place open at that hour. I actually drove to Japantown first, and Hukilau was the only place open, and only open for drinks at that. I drove us by IHOP which was also closed. Denny's was the only choice.
After a much earned night of sleep, we woke up and had breakfast. Sean got to experience the San Jose chill I like to gripe about. While I was getting dressed, Sean and my Dad were out in the "library" talking about different books they had both read. It was pretty cool!
Then we all piled into my dad's stationwagon and made the fifty mile drive down to Hollister, where my mom lives. She had made her famous dish, chicken marsala, along with string beans, and scalloped potatoes (from scratch!). My grandparents were also there.
Sean was a hit with everyone! They all loved him. My grandfather told him the story of the Miraculous Mincemeat Pie, as well as some stories about WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Everyone took a turn and told a few stories. Sean showed off his DVD that he made, as well as some gruesome footage of something called a camel spider.
My mom hadn't had time to make dessert, so Sean and I drove down to Nob Hill and bought Lemon Meringue Pie, as well as Black Forest Cake! yum!
We had to drive back before dark to San Jose. Sean and I had another drive ahead of us that very night. We drove from San Jose to a suburb of Sacramento. It was better to make the drive Sunday night rather than Monday morning. The 680/580/80 corridor is an absolute quagmire, as any commuter in this area will tell you.
Our hotel was a Best Western in Cameron Park. My fiance was particularly impressed that in each room there was a computer with (gasp!) free internet access! On Monday, I would meet Sean's son Collin for the very first time.
Monday morning came, and so did Collin! We took him to breakfast, then drove to the state capital for some fun. Although we did not see The Governator, we did go to a pretty cool mall, a kickass Asian grocery, and the Sacramento Zoo. We all got along really well and had a great time. The day was ended at Costco, then we drove Collin back home to the 'burbs. I just hope Collin liked me as much as I liked him!
That night, Sean and I made another drive. We stayed southbound on I-99 for hours. Poor Sean had to do all the driving that night because I was coming down with something. The original plan had been to drive straight through from Sacramento to Bakersfield. And we almost made it, too. We ended up spending the night in the small town of Tulare, an ag- town. When we drove by the fair grounds, there was a giant neon sign welcoming the International Agricultural Convention. Our little motel seemed to be very near to some very fragrant cows. Neither one of could have cared less, as we were both bone tired.
Tuesday morning, we were both so fatigued we could barely squeak out of our room by check out time, 11am. We ate at Ana's, a small Mexican cafe right across a dirt road from our motel. I had French Toast, and I think Sean had an omelette of some sort. (I could be wrong about that omelette. Huevos Rancheros? Steak and eggs? hmmm, this is what happens when you don't write things down right away.) Feeling guilty about making him do all the driving, I drove down to San Diego.
As we were coming down the Grapevine, into that other world known as the San Fernando Valley, and idea struck us. We took the 210 East and Sean called my grandma, asking her if she wanted to have lunch. Of course, she said yes, as she loves Sean more than she loves me! We went out to Jack's Salad Bowl on Whittier Blvd.
Unfortunately, we couldn't visit very long because we were determined not to get bogged down in the same traffic that we got stuck in when we had been northbound. Without much delay, we made it to San Diego, and then Chula Vista. Since I had an appointment to get my wedding gown altered on Thursday, not to mention Soviet Studies class, I would be driving back to San Jose the very next day.
But something happened when we were in the movie theatre in Mission Valley. I started to feel not so well. 'Oh no' I thought, 'do I have a fever?' By the time we got back to Sean's siter's house, I 'd curled up nearly in the fetal position.
So much for getting my wedding dress altered. Before Sean went to bed, he went out to his truck and dug around for something to help my pain and fever. Since I didn't want to keep my fiance up that night, I slept on the couch. Or tried to.
That's the thing about being sick in a house not your own. You don't know where anything is-- where are the extra blankets? By the time I was exhausted enough to sleep, I'd resorted to huddling beneath the couch cushions to keep me warm.
It wasn't a good sleep though. It was more of a half sleep. When Sean left for work at the crack of dawn, I was still in that half awake stage.
By mid morning, though, I'd moved back into the bedroom and promptly fell asleep. Until 4pm or so. My honey would call me every now and then, to make sure I was feeling better. I called my dad, who had yet to go back to work full time, and asked if he could cancel my appointment at David's Bridal. As soon as he heard my voice he said more than asked "You're sick, aren't you."
The one good thing about my being sick was that I got to stay on in Chula Vista for four more days. Thursday night we ate at a place called Delish Pizza. Friday night we went to Sycuan Casino and played Bingo. None of us won anything, but it was still a ton of fun! At one point, our group of four, including my future sister in law got separated.
Sean and I still had fun though. Even though we were wondering around aimlessly for awhile, we eventually gave up and decided to have dessert. Can you imagine? Cake and cookies at midnight! We went into a gift shop and I found a lucky horseshoe necklace! I'd been looking for one of those for ages, so Sean bought one for me, as well as a medicine wheel to hang off my rearview mirror. Even the ten minute wait for the keys to the jewelry display case didn't spoil our joyous mood.
As it lightly began to drizzle, we went to the patio and enjoyed hot cocoa (me) and coffee (Sean) at 1am. That's the thing about casinos-- reality and normality are suspended. All kinds of people roaming about, gambling, eating, and what not. Our reunited party finally made it home around 2:30am.
The next day, Saturday, was my last day in town. We saw "Sin City" during the matinee. Afterwards, we drove to Frank's house. Frank is an old friend of Sean's. He seemed super cool, he barbequed us dinner, which included steak, baked potato, and grilled corn (yum!). I also met his little, adorable daughter. Her first words to me were "Your hair is pink!" Afterwards, we played Scrabble.
Sunday morning came, and I was so sad to go home. It seemed like I'd just been reunited with my fiance. It felt like only a few days since he'd been back, rather than ten days. But at least we'd be back together again by Friday morning, when we would meet in Phoenix, Arizona.
(But right now I'm missing you so so much! Your absence physically pains me.) I love you!
~Your Tragedy, Tuyen
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
He's Back! (pt. 2)
The next day went by so slow. My arm, still recovering from being lasered, started to itch. At the drug store, I was extra careful *not* to buy allergy medicine with benedryl in it, because I didn't want to be sleepy on the big day. Despite my best efforts, I still managed to buy something that knocked me out for about three hours. I woke up around three in the afternoon!
I already had my outfit picked out-- I admit to being a total girly girl in this instance. All I had to do was wait.
And Wait.
And Wait.
I was dressed and ready to go by 8pm. Sean was arriving at Miramar around 10pm. After watching the first hour of the season premiere of "Tru Calling", and trying to eat all the food my future sister-in-law put in front of me, I skipped down the stairs and hopped into my car. I'd been assured that an hour was plenty of time to make it from Chula Vista to Miramar.
So you can imagine my surprise when, not 5 minutes after I left the house, my cell phone rang. But you can't possibly imagine my surprise at who was calling me-- from Miramar, an hour early! I assured Sean that I'd be there as soon as possible, and got on the freeway, 805 North. Traffic was moving great for about 5 minutes.
Then it came to a complete stop! For the next 20 minutes, traffic lurched between a complete stop and the neck-breaking, top speed of 10 miles an hour. Each minute that ticked by felt like an hour.
I'd been looking forward to this day since January, and here I was late, and getting later by the second. Finally the source of the traffic jam became apparent. A car in a south bound lane had smashed over the median and into at least two cars-- altogether there seemed to be about 6 cars involved.
I finally got to the terminal to pick up my fiance about an hour late. (What a screw up!) sigh....
But at least he was back! We hugged and kissed, and it was a million times better than I had imagined it. Sean proposed to me on the spot, in front of his boss and a few of his friends. There's a picture somewhere, of him on one knee sliding a ring on my finger. In addition to a lovely engagement ring, I also got a wonderful lavendar stole from Ireland, a box or Irish chocolates, and a bunch of international postcards for my collection.
Since it was in the middle of Spring Break, and San Diego is a college town, most of the hotel rooms in town were taken. But we could have slept in the back of a stationwagon for all I cared.
~Tragic Is Officially Engaged
I already had my outfit picked out-- I admit to being a total girly girl in this instance. All I had to do was wait.
And Wait.
And Wait.
I was dressed and ready to go by 8pm. Sean was arriving at Miramar around 10pm. After watching the first hour of the season premiere of "Tru Calling", and trying to eat all the food my future sister-in-law put in front of me, I skipped down the stairs and hopped into my car. I'd been assured that an hour was plenty of time to make it from Chula Vista to Miramar.
So you can imagine my surprise when, not 5 minutes after I left the house, my cell phone rang. But you can't possibly imagine my surprise at who was calling me-- from Miramar, an hour early! I assured Sean that I'd be there as soon as possible, and got on the freeway, 805 North. Traffic was moving great for about 5 minutes.
Then it came to a complete stop! For the next 20 minutes, traffic lurched between a complete stop and the neck-breaking, top speed of 10 miles an hour. Each minute that ticked by felt like an hour.
I'd been looking forward to this day since January, and here I was late, and getting later by the second. Finally the source of the traffic jam became apparent. A car in a south bound lane had smashed over the median and into at least two cars-- altogether there seemed to be about 6 cars involved.
I finally got to the terminal to pick up my fiance about an hour late. (What a screw up!) sigh....
But at least he was back! We hugged and kissed, and it was a million times better than I had imagined it. Sean proposed to me on the spot, in front of his boss and a few of his friends. There's a picture somewhere, of him on one knee sliding a ring on my finger. In addition to a lovely engagement ring, I also got a wonderful lavendar stole from Ireland, a box or Irish chocolates, and a bunch of international postcards for my collection.
Since it was in the middle of Spring Break, and San Diego is a college town, most of the hotel rooms in town were taken. But we could have slept in the back of a stationwagon for all I cared.
~Tragic Is Officially Engaged
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
He's Back!
Hola! What a busy past few weeks I have had!
On March 29th I drove from San Jose to San Diego, a 7.5 hour drive. I made really great time until I hit Los Angeles. (big surprise!) As soon as I-5 finished its descent into the San Fernando Valley, traffic slowed down. Argh! There was so much traffic I couldn't even make any lane changes in an attempt to take a different freeway, any freeway. I took the opportunity to check out KROQ, a radio station I'd never really listened to before. At least part of the problem seemed to be caused by a broken down big rig in the slow lane, as well as a car sliding off the freeway a few miles south of that. By the time I reached Anaheim, the traffic was moving much faster. I was listening to Gwen Stefani's dance album "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" when I noticed Harbor Blvd. sign on the freeway, and spazzed out like any true No Doubter. ("Remember Harbor Boulevard/ The dreaming days where the mess was made")Unfortunately, traffic once again crept to a standstill by the time I hit 805. I finally got to Chula Vista around 4pm.
That night, I was already under covers when my cell phone rang. My fiance, calling with bad news. Apparently, his flight was delayed and he wouldn't be coming in until Thursday instead of Wednesday. Sigh.
The next day I took my future nieces and nephew to the mall in Mission Valley. We had a pretty good time, hit most of the cool stores, including Hot Topic. My almost- nephew handled the situation well, as most of the stores we went to were girly clothing boutiques.
Wednesday night ticked by ever so slowly. One of the longest nights of my life, waiting for Sean to come home.
On March 29th I drove from San Jose to San Diego, a 7.5 hour drive. I made really great time until I hit Los Angeles. (big surprise!) As soon as I-5 finished its descent into the San Fernando Valley, traffic slowed down. Argh! There was so much traffic I couldn't even make any lane changes in an attempt to take a different freeway, any freeway. I took the opportunity to check out KROQ, a radio station I'd never really listened to before. At least part of the problem seemed to be caused by a broken down big rig in the slow lane, as well as a car sliding off the freeway a few miles south of that. By the time I reached Anaheim, the traffic was moving much faster. I was listening to Gwen Stefani's dance album "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" when I noticed Harbor Blvd. sign on the freeway, and spazzed out like any true No Doubter. ("Remember Harbor Boulevard/ The dreaming days where the mess was made")Unfortunately, traffic once again crept to a standstill by the time I hit 805. I finally got to Chula Vista around 4pm.
That night, I was already under covers when my cell phone rang. My fiance, calling with bad news. Apparently, his flight was delayed and he wouldn't be coming in until Thursday instead of Wednesday. Sigh.
The next day I took my future nieces and nephew to the mall in Mission Valley. We had a pretty good time, hit most of the cool stores, including Hot Topic. My almost- nephew handled the situation well, as most of the stores we went to were girly clothing boutiques.
Wednesday night ticked by ever so slowly. One of the longest nights of my life, waiting for Sean to come home.
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